SUMMER HOURS from Monday September 9th

All areas of the park - Wakeboarding, aqua park and barra fishing - are now open 7 days a week from 10am to 5pm. CLOSED Christmas Day. Public Holiday hours will vary...



The Wake Park is the central feature of the Bli Bli Watersports Complex where the skier or boarder is towed by an overhead cable system that is powered by electricity and travels around the lake in a circular fashion. Riders enter the system via a start station where they are pulled from a stationery jetty onto the water and may use a variety of skis, wakeboards or kneeboards. Bli Bli Wake Park boasts 3 seperate lakes, 4 different towing cables and 37 obstacles. The Park caters to all levels of riders from the first timers and beginners up to the pro ranks.

Spectators are always free

Opening Hours

Wakeboarding is now being run by sessions 55 minutes long, every hour on the hour. Capacity controls are in place on all lakes. Bookings are ESSENTIAL! 

 Opening and closing times, as well as cable operating speeds do vary depending upon the time of year and the demand. Please refer to the events page, as well as our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates and recent information.


Sept 1st to May 31 

Open 7 days a week 10am to 5pm

Public Holidays 11am – 4pm 

Closed Christmas Day. 


 June 1 to Sept 1st 

Open Thursday and Friday 12pm to 5pm.

Open Saturday and Sunday 10am to 5pm 

Closed Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday



Gift Vouchers



The Bli Bli Wake Park has 2 main full size Cable systems, the Front Lake has 9 carriers and runs counter clockwise, the Back Lake 5 carriers and runs clockwise. In addition to the main systems the park also has 2 linear 2 tower systems, one for Beginner Lessons and one for the advanced Bi Level Lake. The Park boasts a total of 37 rails, jumps and kickers appealing to a wide variety of skill levels.

Kids 4


All participants at the Bli Bli Wake Park must firstly sign a waiver form and watch an instructional video at the check in counter that explains the riding process. You may purchase a 1 or 2hr pass and will be issued with a wrist band. Any riders under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by, and signed in by, their parent or guardian. Prices start from $42 adult and child alike for one hour of kneeboarding/wakeboarding fun (A special first timer introductory ticket for $35 is available). We have recently moved to an environmentally friendly wrist band ($8 initial visit cost) with online waivers and an associated booking/purchasing process. Wakeboarding sessions run every hour on the hour with capacity controls in place, so bookings are essential. Please arrive AT LEAST 30 minutes prior to your booked start time to allow for check-in etc....Please visit the Update link on the opening of our website for more details



Ticket prices include all the basic equipment needed. Helmet, vest, beginner wakeboard, kneeboard or skis. If riders wish to use the obstacles, kickers and rails in the park, it should be noted that the beginner equipment is not suitable and a special obstacle board will need to be hired at additional cost (or the riders can use their own equipment if suitable). Obstacle Board hire from $25 per hour



The Bli Bli Wake Park is a great place to learn to ride. No experience is necessary and we provide all equipment and knowledge needed for beginners and first timers alike. Beginner Sessions at slow speed with a dedicated coach and buggy pickup/return operate every weekend and every day during school holiday periods



Riders must be 10 or over to ride on the full size cable when operating at standard speed. Ages 6 and over may ride when the full size cable is operating at slow speed for Beginner Sessions. Slow speed is currently available all weekends 10am to 5pm as well as additional weekdays, depending upon the season and demand. Please refer to the monthly calendar on the Events page...All riders under the age of 18 must be accompanied by, and signed in by, their parent or guardian (aged 18 or over)

kids 1


One on one private lessons are available on Saturdays and Sundays (subject to season and staff availability) from any of our experienced instructors and pro riders. All lessons are 50 minutes and cost $80. Bookings and prepayment are essential via our online booking system. Please click on the BOOK WAKE button on the opening page of our website. Most first timers do not need private lessons and can learn quite quickly from the coaching staff at the slow speed sessions

Kids 2


Operates every Sunday morning - before opening time - all year round. Plus additional days during School Holiday periods. The cable operates at slow speed and we teach anyone from 6 years and over how to kneeboard and how to wakeboard. Bookings for Kids Club are recommended. Please click on the BOOK WAKE button on the opening page of our website. $39 includes 1.5 hours of cable time, all equipment, instruction and buggy pickup. Members get 50% off. View our Events Calendar



If you are a keen rider and want to come regularly there is a range of membership options, from 1 week to a full year. You may pay in advance or by weekly direct debit. Seasonal Winter and Summer Memberships are also offered. To learn more go to the Memberships Page. A special promotional Winter membership sells every year for just $99 and lets you ride every day we are open for the 4 months of May, June, July and August....



Bli Bli Wake Park also offers a range of additional programmes that change monthly. These include Ladies Only Wake and Cake, Members Rides and the Grass Roots wakeboard events. Please check out the Monthly Programme below for dates and times. View our Events Calendar Bali Huts are now also available for booking in our exclusive private seating area

Watch the Safety Video